Sunday, March 8

"June 9th...I can feel it in my bones"

Sunday, March 8
Training for: Springtime Tallahassee 5K
Cardio: Not sure - I might try to get a swim in at Trousdale since its going to be 80 degrees today.
Weights: 0
Calories Burned: Not sure (might update this later)
Food: Breakfast - ??
Lunch - ??
Snack - ??
Dinner - ??
Total Food: ??
Self-Confidence: 9

This entire weekend I've had an excess of energy. I have the urge to do about 10 million things at once, and wish I had super speed. It would seem kind of random, minus the fact that I've been tracking parts of my health a little more closely than I normally do. If I go into too many details - this post will turn totally TMI - so I'll try to keep it more on the general side.

Long story short:
I'm off birth control pills - no, we're NOT trying for babies (yet).

More details:
BC wreaked havoc on my system - as they do many women I suppose. I don't really know any female that "enjoys" taking a pill daily or changing a ring/patch weekley. My male coworker once said that if they made a pill for men, he would totally take it. And, while IUD's do sound appealing, I was informed by my doc, that, they're not really a good choice for me.

My options were already VERY limited due to my history of migraine w/ aura (aka - raging headaches with what seem to be sunspots that occur before the onset of pain. Good warning sign that one is coming, but, also a let down cuz I have to deal with the migraine). Therefore, I can't be on any form of BC that contains estrogen. Well, that knocks about 75832957 choices down to 3. Yeah, 3. I mentioned previously, that one, was already not an option (IUD), so, now we're down to 2. Of those is made for teeny boppers, because they're low responsibility (a shot every 3 months), and short-term (depo can cause bone density loss...not good for someone pushing 30yrs). Therefore, I'm down to one whole option. The mini-pill.

The mini-pill has been the bane of my existance ever since I went on it 10 months ago. I was hoping, that since it was pretty much the same cocktail you get w/ depo, that I would have the same side affects (i.e. no visits from my Aunt). Yeah, totally not the case. In fact, I experienced pretty much the opposite. Let's just say I put on 10lbs in 6 weeks (mind you, this was *right* after we bought our mountain bikes, so, I had been doing 2 hour mountain bike rides at least once a week, and had been biking to and from work 2-3 times a week). I even counted once, that I worked out 17 out of the last 20 days, and, no change in the scale. That, while devastating to some (more of an irritant to me), was really the least of my worries. The single most annoying part of the mini-pill was having bi-weekley visits from a long lost Aunt who I hadn't seen since going on depo 2 years prior. Yeah, not fun. I thought maybe it would even out after a month or two and things stabalized. But, it in fact, did not. On top of it all, I just felt like crap period (no pun intended)!

So, I talked with Steve. I have been reading up on the "Fertility Awareness Method" - which, is essentially Natural Family Planning. They do however claim they are different than NFP because supposedly NFP encourages absitence during fertile times, whereas FAM says "do what you want! But you might want to use protection on certain days if you don't want a baby" - personally, I don't make the distinction between the two. The terms are interchangable to me, and, if someone wants to correct me, then, they can. Most likely, I'll just roll my eyes, say "whatever" and continue on with what I'm doing.

Anyway, FAM requires reading the signs of your own body, including basal body temperature, and checking "other stuff" which, for the sake of anyone who is squeamish I won't go into detail on. Anyone who has actively tried to have kids and practiced this should know exactly what I'm talking about. Basically, I use the same method those women do, only for the complete opposite purpose.

Back to my high energy crisis - the jist of it is, I was fertile yesterday, probably am today - so, I'm guessing that my high energy is probably directly related to this. Kind of interesting to find out.

My mom swears that, on June 9th of this year, I am going to call her and tell her I'm pregnant. I'm considering getting a puppy that day so I can call her and tell her she's a "grandma" to a new baby!