Saturday, August 8

Got Focus?

Saturday, August 8
This is getting out of hand. I suck at being a "good" blogger. Mostly because, I've lost focus. I orignally said I was going to use this as a fitness accountability site (for myself) and provide workout tips for others, but, it has since turned into a montage of personal, religous, work-related and over all "life" rants.

So I'm starting over. I'm creating a new blog.

I may keep this one up, for when I feel the need to vent personally about something that isn't necessarily appropriate to post on my new 'professional' blog. I say professional because I intend for it to be business/GIS/career oriented. I just hope I am inspired enough to keep up with it.

You may hear from me here again (assuming there are any of 'you' out there) - but until then, keep tabs of me over at my new home.