Friday, July 24

Don't Read This Post...Really, I Have Nothing To Say

Friday, July 24
Don't say I didn't warn you.

This post is going to be filled with boring ramblings about what I did, or didn't do over the last week.

I'm writing this soley for my own benefit of feeling accomplished for updating my blog.

Really, I have nothing interesting to say.

On that note, if you ignored my warnings and are still reading, here is what I did this week:

  • Monday - Monday is my day off. It was a long time ago. All I really remember doing is going grocery shopping. Oh yeah. I also went for a kick-ass bike ride/run on the St. Mark's Trail. I did a 10mile bike, and a 2 mile run back to back. It took me 1hr and 8 minutes. The bike ride was 48 minutes, and the run was 20. Averaging a 10min mile running AFTER a long-ass bike ride is pretty good if you ask me. No. I have not yet signed up for the triathlon in September. Don't ask me what I'm waiting for because I'm really still in denial. Don't worrry. I'll get over it and eventually sign up.
  • Tuesday - Tuesday was also a long time ago. I honestly can say, I don't remember doing much of anything other than editing churches in Nassau County (don't ask). Though, I did behave and go to the gym after work. I lifted upper body, and am still store in my chest & back to this day.
  • Wednesday - Wednesday. Hump Day. Yes, I'm somewhat immature enough that the phrase "hump day" still makes me giggle. It was my first day in two and a half weeks where I didn't have a meeting scheduled. You'd think I'd be excited. On the contrary, it made for a very boring and unproductive day. I also bet you're expecting me to talk about my workout. Well, sorry to let you down, but I blew the gym/pool off on hump-day!
  • Thursday - Here is where things get interesting. This is what I remember. Leadership meeting at work = fun. Girlfriend announcing her dissertation was accepted and will officially be a "Doctor" = extra fun. Going to chili's to celebrate said dissertation acceptance = super extra fun. Waking up at 3am to a husband who got sick off of Chili's = super extra NOT fun.
  • Friday - TGIF Y'all! (BTW - I am anal with the spelling of y'all. Most people think I spell it wrong. I'll go into this some other time). Started the day off with a 3 hour meeting - yes, started. That means 8am - 11am. Especially not 3 cabernets deep. Had a pretty mild day until about 2pm. 2-4pm ended up turning my brain to mush and giving me a headache. However, boss's retirement party was at 5:30. The potential for red wine is what kept me going. And delicious tasting food. So, I had said red wine and said delicious tasting food. Came home, talked to BFF for about 2 hours. Phone died (her father in law called) - ended conversation. Now, I'm sitting, with my glass of cabernet, a PS3 widow, contemplating playing Sims 3 and enjoying some psuedo alone time.
  • Saturday - Going to convince hubs to ride/run the St. Mark's Trail with me. Monday, there were some sketchy people. Now, don't get me wrong, I could probably easily kick their asses, but some things are just easier (and safer) with a boy present. :)
  • Sunday - Church (hopefully) then I have a phone date with an old BFF from Colorado. We're going to discuss work related matters - which, I unfortunetly won't get paid for. But hey, that will make me a better person, right?

So, if you're bored, and or offended that I'm not as interseting as you had hoped. All I have to say is:

I told you so.

FYI: For those who actually read and keep up with my blog (which are few and far between) - my current goal has been going *mostly* well. I've only missed 3 days out of the last 10. That's 70% for you math folks. I know I need to start over, in which case, yesterday would have been day 1. Its going to be a long (but rewarding) process.

Thursday, July 16

I Love 80s Music, But I Love the 21st Century More

Thursday, July 16

Here is why:

Tuesday, July 14

You Can't Be a Disciple without Having Discipline

Tuesday, July 14
I amazed myself the other day. I finished a novel (non-Harry Potter at that!) in about 2 days. I didn't count the hours, but I bet if I added them all up it would maybe be less than 24. The last novel I read took me months. I really wasn't that excited about it.

Yesterday, I started a new novel. I will probably finish it before the month is out depending on how much I dedicate my time to it. Then, I started thinking about how I've neglected to read this other book I've been meaning to get into again lately.

A few days ago I came across a blog post on self-discipline. I say this like I just "happened" to find it. Actually, I read Penelope's blog pretty regularly. I highly recommend it if you are career-minded and can handle candid opinions. Anyway, back to the topic at hand, after reading it, my immediate thought was "I need to be more disciplined with my workouts, and this is how I will be self-disciplined again," because well, I have been somewhat of a slacker at late.

However, as the days rolled by, I kept having a nudging feeling (especially while I was enjoying my quite time alone with my novels), that I need to be more self-disciplined about something else that I have cast aside. When I googled the word "disipline" not surprisingly the wikipedia entry came up. So I read it. It led me to another word: disciple

Now, I took enough years of Latin in high school to remember that discipulus means "student." So I started thinking, "Am I really a student of God?" Sure, I believe in God, belive Christ died for our sins, yadda yadda yadda. But, do I really study him? My answer would honeslty have to be no. I probably used to. In college. Back when I was single, took 12 credits of classes, and didn't have any money. I had all the time in the world to devote to studying God (because, seriously, who went to class really). But, as I get older (and thus more "responsible") I seem to have let this aspect of my life slip.

But recently I have been feeling the pull to get back into it. So I need to take action. I need to make time to study God. Afterall, I obviously have time to spend an hour in the gym everyday and an hour or two reading for fun every night (and time to write this blog!), so therefore, I have PLENTY of time to study Him. My problem, actually doing it!

My new goal: spend 30 mintues every day studying God. For a month straight. If I miss a day, I start over! (Just like in high school swim practice "If you miss the interval, the whole team starts the set over!")

As a motivator (you'd think my salvation and relationship with God would be enough) will be to treat myself to a new Bible. My old one was given to me by an ex-boyfriend from college (I contemplated naming him), and still has my maiden name on it. It has tons and tons of writing in the margins (despite the fact my ex told me specifically NOT to write in it), passages underlined, and pictures taped to it. Full of memories. I will never throw it away, but merely archive it, and, when inspired, revisit to see who I was between the years of 2001 and 2009.

Today will be day 1. I think I shall retreat to the porch and indulge myself.

Monday, July 13

Halfway to 2010

Monday, July 13
Since I did a 1st quarter review of my "Resolutions", I thought I might as well do a 2nd quarter review as well. Helps keep me accountable (or at least that's what I tell myself).

Here it goes:

  1. Finish my Master's - Graduated May 2, 2009.
  2. Improve my 5K time and finish under 30 minutes (and then some) - My current PR is 28:35. You can verify here.
  3. Travel outside of the US - I made it to New Orleans and to Orlando. Do these count?
  4. Get back to my "Pre-Florida" weight - Still staying stagnat - I should change this goal, because, why the number on the scale is above where I used to be, the number on the tag in my jeans has decreased. Therefore, I consider my progress thus far successful.
  5. Prove to the world that 30 is the new 20 - I'm trying to remember what the heck I was even doing at 20. I'm going to guess gallavanting around Ellis Hall chasing boys. All I know, is that, I am definitely smarter than I was at 20, and, I make more money too. I also think I'm in better shape despite the fact I was swimming 20hrs a week back then.
  6. Become more well-read - In the last week I finished 2 novels. On The Road by Jack Kerouac (which, I loated every second of), and Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (which, I obviously loved because I finished it in a weekend). A few girlfriends and I have decided to start a book club. We're open to recommendations for our first book.
  7. Spend more time in my music - I can honestly say I've only opened my violin case once, maybe twice since the last update. Also, I'm not sure I've sat down at my keyboard in weeks either. Not doing so hot anymore.
  8. Get ahead in my career - I am in an interesting situation here. I've had an epiphany about my current position since March. All I can say, is that I'm having more positive experiences lately. I'm going to guess that there is some divine reason for this, and therefore am going to go with the flow for now.
  9. Participate in a triathlon - I'm being a wuss on this one. I can't seem to consciously commit to this. I want to do it, I really do. September 12 is still on my calendar. And, I've been training (kinda). But, I haven't actually signed up to compete. I think part of it is because I know I'll be flying solo. All the past races I've completed I've done with a buddy. I'm slightly nervous to do one alone. Steve will come watch and support me no doubt, but, I like knowing someone actually in the race. But, really. I need to sign up. That will be my goal for July.

Monday, July 6

Things I think I already knew but needed to hear

Monday, July 6
Last week, I had lunch with one of the managers where I work. I've been somewhat intrigued by this person since I started my current job. I'll admit though, that not all of my past opinions of this individual have been positive. I was subjected to a myriad of negative gossip upon the start of my current position, and much of it invloved this person.

However, over the past year or so, I've started watching this person (ok, sounds slightly stalker-ish, but not what I mean). I wanted to see if I could figure out how he "finagled" his way into his current position. Interestingly enough, he is not the manipulative sycophant many people describe him as (or wish he was). He really is just a charming, yet humble, individual who seems to have a great knack for comprehending and establishing working interpersonal relationships with great business-sense. I believe this skill (which I'm really hoping I can learn from him) really helped drive how he got to where he is today.

So, I asked him if we could do lunch. I wanted to pick his brain and get some advice. I learned four tidbits of wisdom that will help me get ahead in my career:

1. Surround yourself with good people. And, surround yourself with the right people. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of shoulder rubbing if it will help you get to where you need to be. You must market yourself and been seen if you want to get ahead. But don't just rub shoulders with anyone. Don't waste time with negative people, even if they are bigwigs. Their negativity could rub off on you, making you less likeable to those who can have an impact on your career.

2. Look for opportunities (projects) that will have a big impact. This can directly relate to #1. If people don't know you, they most likely won't think of you when they need something done. However, if you see a need, then jump on the opportunity to be involved. Don't wait for someone to ask you to do it.

3. Be good at what you do. This falls right in line with the first two. If you aren't good at what you do, your projects won't be successful. People will remember the lack of results, not that you "did your best". Spend the time to learn how to be the best at what you do now.

4. Get supervisory experience**. This will come with time. No one gets to be a manager right away. But, the sooner, the better (I'm guessing). This is one thing I currently lack in my career. I haven't had any opportunities to supervise. I have however, had plenty of project management experieince, in which, I did have to directly work with others and manage their work. Not quite like being a supervisor, but, still holding myself accountable for others' results.

So after all this, he suggested we meet again in a month. I had yet had any time to absorb anything he said. I wasn't even sure I had paid enough attention to what was being said since I felt nervous and out of my comfort zone the entire time. So much so I don't remember eating anything - but I'm pretty sure I downed three big glasses of water. But, apparently it sank in as I wrote this entire post on it. I agreed to a second lunch, but I think I sounded somewhat hesitant about it. Like I said, I hadn't really figured out if I got anythign out of it until later. So, I will reconfim this week, and go ahead and schedule it now so I can make it a priority.

I may just have a mentor here....something that has been absent from my professional career since leaving NCS. I'm looking forward to learning more, and I have a ton of stuff that I want to ask now. Next time, I won't be so nervous - hopefully, and, I might actually eat something.

**Between you and me, I hope #4 is in my very near future. My boss retires at the end of this month, and, I've applied for his job. I'm really going to have to turn my charm on over the next few weeks.