Friday, January 2

This is MY year!

Friday, January 2
So, I figure since its the new year, its time to address my "resolutions" or so-called "goals" for the new year:

  1. Finish my Master's **cop out goal - there is no way I won't be doing this - I figure its good to start out small

  2. Improve my 5K time and finish under 30 minutes (and then some) **I'm already working on this

  3. Travel outside of the US **while a semi-cop out, Canada and Mexico will count - so long as the visit is considered part of a vacation - my real goal is Jamaica, and possibly Japan to visit my brother.

  4. Get back to my "Pre-Florida" weight **The South has taken a toll on my health since moving here, and taught me bad eating habits. You can love through food, but, please, make it healthy food!!!

  5. Prove to the world (or at least my friends) that 30 is the new 20 - except I can drink (legally!) **For those of you who don't know, I turn 30 this year, and I plan to enjoy every last second of it - and you all better come to the super sweet bomb-diggity party I expect Steve to throw me (someone might want to let him know about that)

  6. Become more well-read **This was a resolution I had last year, but school got caught in the way, so I only have 5 months of that excuse this year, I need to read more - makes me smarter and more interesting!

  7. Spend more time in my music **Again, for those of you who don't know, I play violin, piano and guitar - well, I'm still semi-learning piano and guitar, so I need to brush up on those skills, and then re-harness my super sweet violin skills, maybe play at church a few times for fun and practice my quintet music regularly! No, Rock Band and/or Guitar Hero will NOT count!

  8. Get ahead in my career (kind of goes along with goal #1) **In essence, find a job that respects my education and my experience. This includes interviewing in potential new locations such as Chicago, Boston, DC, and Upstate NY.

  9. Participate in a triathalon **I write 'participate' vs. 'compete' because, I may or may not already have lined up a team sprint triathalon - if however, one of the gals can't make it, then, I plan to do it myself - in total! Of course, I'll rock the swimming portion, do great on the biking, then, pray I don't die on the running portion (why does it have to be LAST?)
Anyway, I'm sure I'll add to this list, and as time passes by I will get to cross things off, but until them, this is where I am.

Hippie No Ear to Everyone!