So, 30 mintues and a whole shower later, my face is still radiating from my "Body Attack" workout. I finally forced myself to go to a class. I've been wanting to try it for...hmm....since it started here, but, I semi got lazy and didn't put much effort into it. Granted, I still went to the gym, but, nothing beats an hour of crazyaerobicmyheartwaspounding cardio. I'm proud of myself.
The only problem now, is, my hair is wet. I hate wet hair unless I'm in some form of ocean, pool or other body of water. Wet hair makes me cold and it also gets all crazy when I sleep on it.
Why don't you blow dry it you ask???? hmm...well, I suppose I could, but, it is pretty damaging to hair and considering I dried it this morning, I want to give it a rest. That, and the fact I'm slowly turning *granola* might have something to do with it....
next thought:
as I'm munching on my granola-ish almonds, I'm realizing that I have unsuccessfully received my return request from Lucky Jeans. You see, I ordered two pairs of jeans from them. They arrived last Wednesday, and, as luck has it (not very *lucky* now are they), they didn't fit the way I had hoped. So, I did what every good customer does and went back online and requested a Return Authorization Number, so I could send them back and exchange them for new pairs that will hopefully fit. So, I did so, and, I was supposedly supposed to hear back "the next business day," and I gave them till Friday, and nothing. So, Monday, I *re-requested* my exchange, and yet, still nothing! I might have to give those bastards a call and tell them if they don't help me I'm sending my jeans back and take my business elsewhere! I heart lucky jeans though so they had better be nice!
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