I didn't make it to the pool today. Right around 5pm, I got a raging headache. It came out of nowhere. I drank plenty of water today as well - I had about 2.5 liters. Dehydration is no excuse. So I used my headache as an excuse to go home and pour myself a glass of cabernet.
I've had a good week. In fact, I've had a great week. Not something you'd expect from someone who worked on their day off. My week is only going to get better. We're leaving for New Orleans tomorrow. I leave work at noon. I will get to see my mom, her hubs, and my brother, Drake. I have not seen Drake since our family reunion in 2007. He lives in Japan, and, I'm pretty sure he's never coming home.
I hated Drake as a kid. He annoyed the crap out of me. Always in my way, following me around, trying to get me in trouble. Typical boy. Not to mention, since he was "the youngest" he got away with EVERYTHING. When I got in trouble, I had to stand in the corner with my nose touching the wall. My mom would even come check. When he "stood" in the corner, he was allowed about a 4 foot radius in which he could fart around. And, if a cat came walking by, well, watch out. "Time out" turned into "Cat Torture Time."
I always had to baby sit him, and, while I liked being "responsible" I secretly wished they would take my brother with them. One time, he threw my mom's sewing scissors at me. He was 4, I was 11. I was livid. As livid as a 5th grader could be anyway.
I remember wanting to hurl those scissors back SO hard!
We never really connected until we were "adults" - and the Vancouver trip was pretty much our first "adult" encounter with each other. He was 20 in the summer of 2007. Its weird to think he'll be 23 this year. I met Steve when I was 23. Seems like such a short time ago I was still living behind Woody's off Laurel in Fort Collins.
When I was 23, I was certain I would be married and have 2.3 children by the time I was 26. I didn't get married until I was 26. I still haven't had any children. I'm 30.
Reminscing about my early 20s makes me miss my Colorado friends dearly. I'm reminded about Poudre Canyon and going sunbathing on a rock over the Poudre River. Remembering the sunrise hike up Greyrock we took to only spend over half our day getting lost hiking down (Ange & Molls, I still remember Psalm 24) . Praise God for those days.
I could use some of those days. I recently reconnected with one of my CO friends, she's living in the UK. Its amazing how much changes in such a short time. I can only imagine what my brother will be doing when he turns 30. Maybe by then, I'll have my 2.3 kids.
I have a lot to be thankful for and I often forget it. I am bad about taking the every day things for granted. I remember I did an exercise once where I was supposed to write down EVERYTHING I was thankful for. I got bored and stopped after 2 journal pages. I got the idea.
So, thanks be to God for my brother (Drake Oscar Crane, USN), and for my husband, and for my kitties, and the rest of my (our) family and friends. And for my job, and our house, and for the freedom to be able to have a house and a job. I'll stop there, lest I bore you with the myriad of "thanks" I need to give. :)