Saturday, June 20

Never Been a Fan of Lobster

Saturday, June 20
I feel the direction of this blog might take a turn. I know I am supposed to be using it as a psuedo-workout log. But you know what, I can't make that kind of committment. I need the freedom to write about whatever I want - which, I pretty much do anyway.

So - quick workout update:
Monday: Biking (20min), Running (15min)
Tuesday: Legs/abs (lunch)
Wednesday: Swimming (45min)
Thursday: Upper body (lunch)
Friday: none
Saturday: Hauling beach gear back & forth in the sand in 99 degree weather.

our umbrella village

Yes, I said BEACH!!! Best beach day of the season (so far). I love going to the Cape (that's Florida-speak for "Cape San Blas" to all you non-locals). Slightly upset we didn't pick up some live shrimp. No bait fish in the entire ocean.....excluding the mini dead mullet I "caught" in my cast night. I was unable to catch my dinner. Sad, sad day.
I did see a giant sting ray which was pretty sweet. No, I did not catch that in the cast net thankfully!

boys on the MEGASTATION aka "U.S.S. Sofina"

Oh, and did I mention I got sunburned? It looks like I have a white bathing suit on when I'm naked. No joke. I am usually OCD about sunscreen, but, I think with the grossly hot temperatures compelling me to hang out in the water (and sweat off my sunscreen) highly contributed to my lobster-esque color. Oddly enough, my face and arms are sunburn free. Can't say the same about my legs, back, stomach or chest.

me in my new beach hat - $2.50 at Target!

Does this mean tomorrow I'll be tan? Wait - I'm Irish. I don't tan. Skin cancer here I come!

Ah well - the day was a success. I'm going to conclude the evening with a glass of Shiraz and Episode 10 of Harper's Island.

Tomorrow's Goals: Church, Mow Lawn, Clean House, Get Groceries

Next Weekend's Adventure: New Orleans!! I'll be seeing my brother for the first time since Vancouver (2007). Radical!