Monday, March 30

ANTM Season 13 here I come!

Monday, March 30
Training for: Freedom Springs Triathlon

Cardio: 2 miles - walking on breaks - 165
Weights: 3x(upper body 4x20, abs 4x20, lower body 4x20) alternating exercises for each of the 3 sets.

Food: Breakfast - Oatmeal - 160
Lunch - Leftover Pizza - 1 million
Dinner - I need to go shopping - maybe grilled chicken salad.

Self Confidence: 6 (i'm mostly feeling indifferent today)
So, I think I'm going to run another 5K in April.  But, not specifically going to train for it.  Its going to be more for fun, and, I hope I set a new PR - which I think I will since I set a PR halfway through a 10K.  Plus its on a course I know very well, Tom Brown Park.  A friend of mine is a member of the Junior League of Tallahassee and they're hosting it.  Plus, as most races are, its for a good cause.
Beach season is coming upon us.  I really want to be in bikini shape ASAP.  I hope this new lifting program I'm trying will help with that.  That also means its time to start shopping for a new suit.  I hate bikini shopping, but, not for the reasons that most women hate it for.  For me, I enjoy getting to try on a bunch of different suits.  I pretty much know that 75% of them will look horrible on me, but, its fun to try them anyway, just for that 25% chance that one I think will look terrible, will look fantastic.  You never know.  Like with most clothes, they usually look terrible on the hanger, you really need to put them on to know whether or not you're going to like them.  What I hate is the fact that they cost so much friggin money.  And, then, even after you drop $80 on a suit, they fall apart or get sunbleached after a year.  I have yet to find a suit that holds up over the years.  I usually get 2 seasons out of a suit, which, in my opinion, is not long enough for less than a yard of $80 fabric.
Speaking of shopping, I also need new work clothes.  Luckily, my birthday is coming up.  Every year my mom always gets me some clothes, which is great.  But, my main problem lies in finding good quality work pants.  I have LLS - long-leg syndrome.  Now, many of you may not think this is a problem, and say "Man!  I wish I was tall and had long legs like yours!" No, really.  You don't.  Now, I LOVE being tall, in fact, I'm pretty much obsessed with it, and in fact, I'm not even that tall - only 5'7".  In fact, according to America's Next Top Model, 5'7" is short.  But, it is quite impossible to find pants to fit me.  You see, my inseam is longer than my 6'1" husband's inseam.  I need at least a 34" inseam.  And that's if I'm wearing flats.  If I want heels, I gotta bump that up to 36". 
Guess what.  Tallahassee shopping sucks.  Even places that carry "long" pants are a joke.  For instance, Express.  I love Express, but their "long" inseam is 33".  Yeah, not going to cut it - especially after they get washed once.  I'll look like Huckleberry Finn and people will start screaming "Where's the flood?!?"  Even stores that generally carry long sizes, such as Gap, Banana Republic, etc, rarely have them in our ant-sized stores.  Apparently there are no tall women in Tallahassee. 
Shop online you say?  Ok.  Good idea.  However, do you know what a pain it is to buy, and then return things from online if they don't fit?  A few years ago I went through approximately 6 pairs of Lucky jeans (and eventually returned them all), and several pairs of J.Crew pants.  You see, the length isn't the only problem.  How do I know what size I need if I can't try them on first?  Size charts are a joke.  Not to mention, those Lucky jeans cost me an extra $40 in "restocking fees" - never again will I shop with them online.  Even if I do find a pair that fit one year, styles inevitably vary from season to season. 
My coworker complains about having the "same, yet opposite" problem.  She requires 30" inseams.  I tell her to go to a tailor.  She says that it costs too much.  If only I had the luxury.
So, my game plan is - go to the stores we do have in Tally, and try on different styles of current styles.  Then, write down what style and size fit me.  Then, go online, and pray that they come in long and hope they still fit the same when I order them.  Wish me luck.